The approach to counselling and therapy that I am trained in is the person-centred approach, and the main principles of this approach are known as the core conditions.
These are
Empathy: Being able to (or trying to) see the world as
someone else experiences it.
Congruence: Being genuine and real with your client.
Unconditional positive regard: Accepting the client as they are, without judgement.
I believe that with the correct environment of warmth, non-judgement and acceptance we can reach our full potential, explore our experiences and issues, and become self-aware, in order to begin to heal ourselves.
Person-centred counselling places you at the centre of your therapy, with your counsellor walking with you. You are in charge of where the sessions go and what you choose to talk about, all at your own pace. A person-centred counsellor is non-directive, allowing you to lead the way.
The time we spend together is wholly about you and what you bring to the sessions, where you will be seen and heard in a therapeutic relationship.
This talking therapy is suitable for many different issues, such as:
Relationship issues.
Loss and grief.
Life transitions.
Sexuality/gender issues.
Childhood issues.
Religious abuse or trauma.
...and many other issues.
I will occassionally bring in others approaches to our work, if that is something you would like to try, such as creative therapy, psychoeducation and DBT (and yes, creative therapy can be done online!)
In order to work ethically, I will be required to talk to my supervisor about elements of our work together. However, all identitifying information will be removed to ensure complete confidentiality.
The only time that confidentiality will be breached is if there is a risk of harm to yourself or others or if a serious crime is disclosed. If possible, this is discussed with the client beforehand.